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Mad Lips 21 x Pancake and Booze

These canvases showcase the unique fusion of digital art and environmental consciousness that defines Mad Lips 21. Each piece captures a moment of reflection on our relationship with nature, technology, and the future. Presented at the Pancakes and Booze exhibition, these works highlight my signature style, blending vibrant colors with thought-provoking themes to create a visually striking and emotionally engaging experience.

Girly Polar Bear Lips

Medium: Digital Art (created with Sketchbook)
Year: 2022


This piece is a vivid, symbolic representation of the silent yet powerful struggle of polar bears against the backdrop of climate change. The upper lips, rendered in shimmering silver, represent not only the icy Arctic but also the fragile nature of the environment. The melting ice symbolizes the critical climate issues we face today, echoing the vulnerability of species whose voices often go unheard.

The lower lips, adorned with fluffy white fur and vibrant, purple claws, draw inspiration from the polar bear’s paws, reminding us of the raw strength and beauty of nature. These claws, glowing with intensity, serve as a contrast to the ice above—representing resilience, survival, and the potential for change.

But this artwork is not just a commentary on environmental distress. The lips themselves symbolize the struggle to break free from silence, an invitation to find our voice in advocating for our planet’s future. Through color and form, Girly Polar Bear Lips calls us to reflect on the balance between joy and responsibility. It urges us to live our lives fully, embracing happiness while remembering the importance of caring for our planet, ensuring a vibrant world for future generations.

This colorful creation, filled with symbolism and urgency, is not just a piece of art but a reminder that the power to make a difference lies within all of us.

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Girly Polar Bear
Photo 2024-01-04, 12 14 50 PM.jpg

Dream Lips

Medium: Digital Art (created with Procreate)
Year: 2023


Dream Lips captures the delicate balance between dreams, love, and the vision of a better world. The lush, textured upper lip is intertwined with bold purple lines and green shades, symbolizing the complex, sometimes chaotic path we take in pursuit of our dreams. The blossoming flowers on the left side of the lips speak to the beauty and fragility of these aspirations—each petal a reminder that dreams, like nature, are delicate and must be protected.


The glowing lower lip, awash in vibrant purples and electric white, reflects the ethereal, untouchable quality of dreams. It seems to pulse with energy, illuminating the idea that our dreams—whether of love or of a better world—are uniquely our own. They are powerful forces of light in an otherwise dark universe, untouchable by others and vital to our sense of hope and direction.


The backdrop of stars and cosmic clouds surrounding the lips reminds us that dreams exist in an infinite realm, bound only by our imagination. This cosmic setting highlights the deeper message of Dream Lips: that no one has the right to take or alter someone else’s dreams. Dreams are sacred, a sanctuary for our most profound desires for love, connection, and a world in harmony.


In this piece, Dream Lips invites us to reflect on the sanctity of dreams, both personal and collective. It serves as a reminder that while we must protect our dreams from being stolen or altered, we should also nurture them with hope and love—for ourselves, for each other, and for the future we wish to create.

Dream Lips

Cactus Lips

Medium: Digital Art (created with procreate)
Year: 2022


Cactus Lips is a commentary on the tension between wealth, the virtual world, and the planet we inhabit. The cactus, with its tough, resilient exterior, represents the earth—often neglected and forgotten in the pursuit of material gain. The delicate flower blossoming from the harsh surface is a symbol of hope, thriving despite the world's focus on money and technology.

The Bitcoin in the image signifies the direction the world is heading—toward digital currency, virtual realms, and the increasingly blurred line between reality and the virtual. It’s a nod to the matrix-like existence we find ourselves in, where the virtual world grows in importance while we neglect the physical one that sustains us.

Through Cactus Lips, I question when the world forgot about the earth. Amidst this digital transformation, we must not lose sight of the importance of nurturing both our planet and our thoughts with positivity and care. This piece is a reminder that while money may run the world, it can also destroy it—and it's up to us to strike a balance between the two worlds we inhabit.

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Cancer Free Lips

Medium: Digital Art (created with Procreate)
Year: 2023


Cancer Free Lips is a work created from love, loss, and a deep, enduring hope. It was made in memory of my father, who passed away from leukemia in July 2019, and my best friend, who lost her battle with cancer on February 9, 2023. This piece represents the greatest wish of so many—to live in a world free from cancer, a disease that has devastated my life and continues to shape it.

I completed this artwork on February 4, 2023, during Cancer Day, with tears and love embedded into every stroke. The lips, vibrant and full of life, are a symbol of resilience, of the hope that those who suffer may find love and support in their journey. This piece aims to provide joy and hope to those facing this relentless disease.

In the image, the colorful snakes represent cancer. They reflect the many forms cancer can take, but these snakes do not bite. They symbolize a cancer that has been cured, a future where its grasp is loosened and healing begins. The gemstone on the grass is a symbol of strength and the preciousness of life—a reminder that, even amidst suffering, there is beauty and value in every moment we are given.

But Cancer Free Lips is not just about individuals; it speaks to the planet as well. Our world is suffering from its own cancer—one caused by environmental harm and overconsumption. We are both part of the problem and the solution. By changing the way we live and consume, we can influence larger changes without the need for protests—just through mindful action. My hope for a better future remains alive, and every time I look at this painting, I am reminded that this hope will never fade.

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